Copyright Registration price starting at INR Rs. 5999/- only.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property (IP) that provides exclusive rights to the creator or author of an original work. This includes literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, as well as computer software. Under copyright law, owners have the exclusive right to reproduce, publish, and sell their works, as well as create derivative works.
Copyright registration in India is the registration of a copyrightable work with the Indian Copyright Office. It provides legal protection to the copyright owner in case of infringement. It helps to deter potential infringers and it also enables the copyright holder to bring infringement action to the court. The registration of copyright is voluntary but is recommended to protect the work from unlawful exploitation.
Copyright registration is necessary to help protect your work from being used or replicated without your permission. When you register your work, you are given the legal right to bring a claim against someone who does use or copy your work without your permission. Additionally, registering your work gives you the potential to earn money from licensing fees or other forms of compensation.
Copyrightable works include literary works, musical works, dramatic works, choreographic works, pictorial and graphic works, sculptures, sound recordings, architectural works, and film and other audiovisual works.
Copyright registration is a process of registering works of authorship such as books, music, videos, photographs, and other creative works with the US Copyright Office. Trademark registration is a process of registering a brand or symbol with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Copyright registration grants exclusive rights to an author for a limited period of time. Trademark registration grants exclusive rights to a business to use a certain mark or symbol in commerce.
The copyright registration duration in India is generally valid for a period of 60 years. The copyright registration is valid from the date of the start of the artist's life plus 60 years.