Enjoy the perks of registering a Nidhi Company in India like Limited Liability, easy access to loans and other benefits. Contact Taxxa to get started.
Depending on your specific jurisdiction, you may need to check that the name is not already taken. Checking trademark databases is one way to make sure your proposed name is not registered to another business. Additionally, you may need to check with the Secretary of State website for a given state to further ensure that your chosen name is not already taken.
The process of Nidhi Company registration can take anywhere between one to three weeks depending on the complexity of the case. The entire process can be completed in 3 steps:
Obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN).
Filing of various forms related to company registration.
Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies .
Once the process is completed, you will receive the certificate of incorporation, which will serve as a proof of registration