Protect your name and logo from unauthorised usage. Apply for trademark with Taxxa at INR 1999/- only.
A registered trademark gives you exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the goods and services that you have registered it for. This means that competitors cannot use the same or a similar mark for the same goods and services.
Trademark registration establishes a presumption of ownership in the trademark that may be difficult to successfully challenge.
Having a registered trademark may discourage potential infringers from using a similar or identical mark.
Separate registrations are not required in each state in the United States. A federal trademark registration gives you nationwide rights with the right to use the ® symbol.
A trademark can add value to your business, making it easier to license or sell.
A registered trademark allows you to take action against infringers through civil lawsuits in federal court. This is often faster and more efficient than state court proceedings.
Registered trademarks can be used to block third parties from registering similar or identical marks. This is known as an “opposition”.
A registered trademark can help you protect a domain name that is the same or similar to your mark.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce that grants patents for inventions and registers trademarks. Its mission is to promote innovation, creativity, and economic growth by administering and sustaining an effective national intellectual property system. The USPTO examines applications for patents and grants those that meet the legal requirements. It also examines applications for trademark registration and registers marks that are distinctive, distinctive and legally protectable.
Generally, anyone who is using a mark to identify goods or services may apply for trademark registration. To qualify for federal trademark registration, a mark must be used in interstate commerce, which generally means that it is used in more than one state or used in commerce between the U.S. and another country.
Typically, trademark registration in the US takes about 6-12 months. During the process, you will need to file an application with the USPTO, respond to any related office actions, and wait for a final decision.
You can register trademarks for products, services, logos, designs, and slogans.